
Payments & Fees

Webhelp Payment Services GmbH (WPS) are the payment service provider (PSP) who handles the transactions between customers, sellers and Conrad Electronic SE.

Webhelp manage the payment flows. This is a vital service where the PSP acts as a trustee, sending the received payments to the intended party. This involves collecting the invoiced money from the customer and transferring it to the account of the seller, after deducting the commission which is sent directly to Conrad.

Payment Processing


Buyer payment processing

  1. After the sale, buyers receive a message from Webhelp that contains the payment information.
  2. Buyers send their payment to Webhelp.

Payment terms

  • Payment to be made within a period of 14 days
  • Seller does not invoice the buyer
  • Delivery notes issued by the seller must not quote any bank details
  • In the event of payment being past due, Webhelp will send two payment reminders
  • If the payment is still outstanding after a period of 45 days, Conrad SE acquire the creditor’s rights

Seller payment processing

  1. Accounts are settled on the 10th, 20th and on the last day of each month. The seller receives the amounts paid by buyers, minus commission and fees.
  2. Statements are available for download in the “Invoicing” section of the Seller Account (backend).

Payment terms

  • Seller self-billing
  • Commission to be deducted and sent directly to Conrad
  • Monthly charge also to be deducted


Payment extension

Can I change the invoice date or move payment to a later date as a result of customer complaints / the delivery containing the wrong items?

Payment extension requests need to be forwarded manually to Webhelp. This has to be done by Conrad. Invoice details cannot be changed.


When and how do you create invoices for business customers?

We use automated invoicing, with invoices to be created at the time the seller labels the order as “Shipped”.

Payment options

What payment options are available to business customers?

As a rule, customers may either pay after being invoiced, or pay in advance. In some cases, we insist on customers paying in advance. If this applies, a “Prepayment” label will be displayed.


As a seller, what do I need to look out for when it comes to prepayment?

We only forward delivery addresses of customers if payment has been received. Until this happens, the order status displays “payment pending”. If Webhelp do not receive payment within a period of 16 days, the order will be cancelled automatically.

Buyer invoicing

How and when are invoices issued to customers?

If a seller marks an order as “Shipped” before 6 pm, Webhelp create the according invoice on the same evening and email it to the customer in the form of a PDF. In the case of orders being labelled as “Shipped” after 6 pm, invoices are issued on the following day, however, bearing the date on which the order status has been set to “Shipped”.

Customers paying twice

How do you resolve issues arising from customers accidentally paying twice?

In the event of customers paying twice, Webhelp will refund the overpaid amount.

Payment remindes and assumptions of creditor`s rights

How exactly do you handle payment reminders and the transfer of creditor’s rights?

If payment is outstanding 16 days after the order has been shipped, customers are being sent a payment reminder requesting a payment of the full balance being made within seven days. If payment still hasn’t been received 9 days after the date of the first reminder, another payment request is being sent out. Buyers receive a third reminder after another 9 days have passed without payment. 11 days after sending out the last reminder (i.e. 45 days after the seller dispatched the order) the creditor’s rights are assumed by Electronic SE (cut off).

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