Important Reports on Product Level

Reporting & Analytics

1. Price Comparison

1.1 Introduction

The price comparison offers you the opportunity to view the ranking of your active product portfolio at price level.  The overview is purely for information purposes and does not constitute a request for price adjustments or similar.

A comparison of your own offer price is possible at several levels:

  • Comparison with other marketplace products via a ranking system
  • Comparison with the CE internal price
  • Comparison with external market prices (price crawling)

The price comparison is made at net level.

Important additional information

The price comparison shows all active marketplace products that have been labeled as new in the offer feed.  Products labeled as refurbished (status codes 12 -14) are excluded from the analysis.

1.2 Structure & Definition

Technical Description



Unique product number used for international product labeling.

Seller Product ID

Sellers own unique product number.


title / description of the product.


The commission percentage stored for the product at category level.

Packaging Unit: Unit

Stored packaging unit.

Packaging Unit: Quantity

Stored packaging quantity.

Own Shipping Costs (Net)

Stored net shipping costs of the product.

Own Price (Net)

Stored net price of the product.

Price Rank

Rank of the product measured by price. (1 = product currently with the most favorable net price)

Number of Offers


Groups currently active offers on the marketplace related to this product.

CE Competitive Price (Net)

Net price of the product at Conrad.

External Competitive Price (Net)

Most favorable external net competition price found via our crawling tool.

Note: Our crawling tool operates on the basis of parameters defined by us and may differ from other crawling tools. We assume no liability for the accuracy and completeness of the price information listed here.

Date External Price

Date on which the most favorable external net competition price was crawled.

Relative Difference to Minimum Price

Percentage difference to the lowest active product price on the marketplace.

Relative Difference to Second Minimum Price

Percentage difference to the 2nd lowest active product price on the marketplace.

Net Share Marketplace revenue 90 days

Percentage share of total sales of the product on the marketplace over the last 90 days.

Order Value Rank 90 days

The ranking in relation to the total turnover of the product on the marketplace over the last 90 days.

Note - Competitive Price

Note if the price is not considered competitive. (Current warning value: >= 40% compared to the lowest active product price on the marketplace)

2. Commission Check

2.1  Introduction

The commission check shows all active marketplace products plus the categorisation in our Mirakl product catalog and the corresponding commission rate. The table provides an overview of all products and their categorisation. In addition, the commission rate is made available for additional, individual analyses.

2.2  Structure & Definition

Technical Description


CE Product ID

Conrad own unique product number.

Seller Product ID

Sellers own unique product number.


title / description of the product.

Segment ID (1st Structure Stage)

Unique segment number in the product catalog. 


Unique segment designation in the product catalog.

Category ID (2nd Structure Stage)

Unique category number in the product catalog. 


Unique category designation in the product catalog.

Article Group ID (3rd Structure Stage)

Unique article group number in the product catalog. 

Article Group

Unique article group designation in the product catalog.


For the product, the commission percentage stored in the product catalog.

2. Commission Check

3.1 Filter

The period filters do not apply to these analysis variants. The data displayed is always the latest possible status. (previous day)

3.2 Download

You can download the corresponding results by clicking on the three dots in the top right-hand corner of a chart. It is possible to export the data completely as a CSV version. The export as an Excel version is currently limited to 50,000 lines.