Manage Product Data

Catalog management

Content Optimization

There are basically two ways to influence the visibility of your articles on our platform. One of them is the presentation of your product content.

Quality product content potentially gives you better visibility on our platform, which means more clicks and more potential sales. You can find more information about this in the following article:

Product data update

In principle, product data can be easily overwritten for the purpose of an update. An update of the product data can only be done by importing the product file into your Mirakl Shop account.

To do this, proceed in the same way as you would uploads your new products.
When uploading data via SFTP or API, corresponding product data should be automatically overwritten.

How to delete offer data and product data

Deleting offer data

  1. Identify the products that need to be deleted prior to making a change to a mandatory field (see also upload and conversion error reports). Use product IDs to find the relevant products.
  2. Create a "offer data deletion file", e.g. as part of your scheduled offer data updates. Enter “delete” in the “Update/Delete” column.
  3. Go to “Price and stock” -> "Offer Import"  to automatically or manually upload the offer deletion file as you usually do. Set the import mode to “Normal”.
  4. Check whether the upload contains any errors (“Price and stock” > “Offer mport” > “Track offer Imports”). 

Deleting product data

  1. Basically, you can complete this step any time after deleting the sales details.
  2. Create a deletion file for the relevant products. Enter “invalidate” in the “Product invalidation marker” column.                                                   
  3. If you use our upload template, proceed in the same way (automatically or manually upload ) as you would uploads your new products.
  4. If you use Mapping, you need to map the “Product invalidation marker” column value employing the configuration assistant. Afterwards, upload the file either automatically or manually (see 2).
  5. Check whether the upload contains any errors (Error report in the Mirakl menu  "Catalog" ).
  6. Product data will be deleted overnight (N.B. For a product to be displayed on the gateway, you also need to create the according sales details).

Creating new product data

After the relevant products have been deleted overnight, create new product data and offer data files as you usually do.

Please check internally how to delete offer data and product data at regular intervals.

You also need to delete product data if you want to remove products from your product range. This makes sure that the relevant content won’t no longer display on the webshop pages.

You can find out how products with variants can be created here:

Create Product Variants

Quality requirements for media for article creation in the Conrad Group range can be found here:

Product Image Requirements

The detailed requirements for creating new brands can be found here:

Requirements New Brands

Good product content potentially gives you better visibility on our platform, which means more clicks and more potential sales. Here are more tips:

Product Content Optimization      


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