Content & Compliance

Legal & Compliance

1. Introduction

From now on, data quality deficiencies related to partners' SKUs will be reported in dedicated attributes. This information is made available to our partners in the Product Check Dashboard. The objective of the dashboard is for partners to take ownership of and address deficiencies. Ultimately, this should increase the quality of the platform content and improve the customer experience.

2. Structure

2.1 Product Content

2.1.1 Overview 

Products that are subject to a qualitative defect are displayed in the Product Content section. The defect type describes the defect status of the product.

One overarching view "Error Types" is provided to you in bar chart form. The view shows the number of products per content error. Error Types

Error types describe information that represents problems with the product content. General Overview

Below the type overview is a total overview of all products of the seller that have at least one content error. 



Seller Product ID

Unique ID of the seller's product.


Brand assigned to the product.

Error Type

Identified quality defect in the specific product.

2.2 Product Compliance 

2.2.1 Overview

The Product Compliance section displays products that are subject to a legal defect. The defect type describes the defect status of the product.

One overarching view "Error Types" is provided to you in bar chart form. The view shows the number of products per compliance error. Error types

Error types describe information that represents problems in product compliance. General overview

Below the type overview is a total overview of all your products that have at least one compliance error. 



Seller Product ID

Unique ID of the seller's product.

Error Type

Identified error in the specific product.

2.3 Platform-specific product bans

2.3.1 Overview

This section displays products that are currently subject to a platform-specific sales ban. The error type describes the defect status. General overview

Under the type overview you will find a complete overview of all your products that are subject to a sales ban.



Seller Product ID

Unique ID of your product.


Identified error for the specific product.

2.4 List of possible Content & Compliance error states


Process type

wrong category

manually inserted / automated deleted

wrong brand

manually inserted / automated deleted

usage of illegal terms

completely automated

seller specific content in product content

completely manual

offer condition in product data

completely manual

not authorized to supply products for this brand

completely manual

NoName / internal GTIN combination

completely manual

missing warranty terms

completely automated

missing repairability info (fr only)

completely automated

missing EEK data

completely automated

incorrect variant value

completely manual

incorrect sales unit 

manually inserted / automated deleted

incorrect sales tax rate

completely manual

incorrect safety instructions (symbol, note, MSDS)

completely manual

incorrect product description (incl. technical data)

completely manual

incorrect picture

manually inserted / automated deleted

incorrect MPN

completely manual

incorrect language

completely manual

incorrect GTIN/EAN

completely manual

incorrect energy efficiency class

completely manual

incorrect documents

completely manual

incorrect content quantity

completely manual

impermissible primary image (placeholder)

manually inserted / automated deleted

3. Important dashboard functions

3.1 Filtering

A date filter is available at the top left page. This filter affects all dashboards.

3.2 Download

By clicking on the 3 dots at the top right of each chart, you have the opportunity to download the corresponding data. It is possible to export the data as Excel, CSV or jpg.