Our seller gateway allows you to choose between two order confirmation options, namely

  • manual confirmation
  • automated confirmation via the API

All orders to be processed are listed in our seller account. 

If a customer places an order, you receive an email. Please make sure you confirm or decline any order within one working day.

Make sure you do not auto-decline customer orders by accident. Keep in mind that any order will be automatically declined 5 days after it was placed unless you confirm, or decline, that order before those five days have passed.

Tracking data

With regard to the status "Shipped", store the tracking data in Mirakl for each order. This allows the customer to track the shipment and ensures transparency. Furthermore, unnecessary inquiries regarding the delivery status are avoided.

Delivery bill

You have two options for attaching a delivery bill to the shipment.

  • using the delivery note generated in Mirakl
  • using your own delivery note

The delivery bill must always be enclosed with the shipment. If you use your own delivery bill, please print the customer-specific reference that the customer provides when placing the order on the delivery bill.

This is essential for your customers to identify and assign the goods.

Availability of the goods

Correct offer upload

The availability of the goods is, among other things, crucial to ensure timely shipping.
The delivery time of the item, which is displayed to the customer in the store, is calculated from the shipping lead times you have stored.
The delivery time displayed there thus represents a delivery promise.
Therefore, this data, for whose accuracy you are responsible, must be correct so that there is no delay in delivery.

Incorrectly maintained shipping lead times can result in the following:

  • dissatisfied customers because they rely on the delivery date shown to them in the store
  • unnecessary communication due to delivery delays
  • avoidable deterioration of your statistics regarding the rate of delayed shipments and possibly also the event rate


Changing a Customer Order

Can I change a customer order?

You CANNOT change the type of product or the quantities ordered.

Please make sure you check your stock before confirming an order. If you are unable to fulfil a confirmed order, the only you can do is cancel it.

Buyer Contact Details

Why don’t I see the buyer’s contact details?

Invoiced orders: Buyer contact details will be displayed after you have sent out the order confirmation.

Use the order page to download the order details.


Prepayment: Processing this type of order requires you confirming the order, and proof that payment has been received (automated notification).

You will be sent an automated message telling you that the buyer’s payment has been processed, which means that you can ship the order.

Manual Order Confirmation

How do I confirm orders manually?

Log in to your account.

Go to My Orders > All Order. Select the respective order and click on it.

The Order Detail page displays the product and any other related information. Click the green button to confirm the order.

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